How having a content strategy affects SEO

Rather than haphazardly assembling a baggy and disjointed collection of SEO copywriting, having a strategy for content can make a big difference to the appeal of a website. The first step involves assessing the content which is already present on the site, analysing the variety of topics covered and deciding how relevant they are to the tone, aims, keywords and target audience of the website. The relative amount of content under each subject heading should also be inspected. Maybe there is a gaping hole in one topic area that needs to be filled in, or there are two dozen pages on something that is much less important to the business. Once the established content has been analysed in depth, it should be possible to decide exactly which topics still remain to be covered, and the amount of content that will be required in order to realise the full potential of the website.

An important aspect of content is whether it addresses its target audience, both in terms of style and the key phrases used. If the writers being used to create content are not a perfect fit, or the keywords do not quite mesh with what the desired audience is looking for, this could lead to problems.

A carefully thought out content strategy, combined with experienced professional content writers who are able to suitably tailor copy to attract the right customers, could not only lead to more relevant visitor traffic but also result in more people using a website’s services or buying its products.

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