
Darren Jamieson

Marketing & Communications Director


Darren says: As a child, I dealt with Scoliosis, a spine condition that meant I walked differently to other kids and faced daily bullying. My need to be liked and make people laugh grew. I needed to be centre of attention on my terms. Now I mentor and train clients on how to improve their online presence, through websites, video, or social media, because I need to attract attention. Their success is my success; that’s why I do what I do now.”

Co-founder Darren Jamieson started his web career in the last century before Google was even a ‘thing’. His work on websites and affiliate networks in the 90s earned him the role of web designer at GAME, where he gained an important understanding of the needs of the client and the complexities of an industry-leading ecommerce website.

After leaving GAME, Darren worked for various digital agencies around the UK for clients such as Sony, the NHS, the Environment Agency and Manchester United (but don’t tell him we said that, he’s LFC all the way).

Over the years, Darren has worked with pretty much every type of content management system available, and has developed many of his own – including the ‘Writers’ System’ we use here at Engage Web to manage our global network of writers.

Darren’s desire to be ‘the centre of attention’ has stayed with him over the years, and he’s even won a Liverpool Comedy Festival award, raising money for Wirral Mencap while performing stand-up comedy.

It is within the field of search, online marketing and video where Darren really found his passion, all of which fall under the banner of digital marketing. Darren formulates the training and workshops Engage Web offers to help business owners understand how digital marketing is best done, how they can best grow their business on and offline, and runs our Business Fit Club, where our experienced mentors in all areas of business offer monthly keynotes, individual mentoring, and a host of other benefits.

Also the host of our Engaging Marketeer podcast, which debuted at #1 in Apple’s UK Marketing charts, Darren is available to speak at conferences, dinners, seminars and podcasts.

Posts by Darren Jamieson

What link should you use for your Facebook Ads?

When you set up and run Facebook ads for your business, one of the easiest mistakes to make is to direct people to the wrong page of your website […]

How has your website helped your business during lockdown?

The events of the last few months have been tough on everyone. The obvious social, physical and health impacts aside, the effects on businesses have also been unprecedented. With […]

How to get the best results on Facebook ads

Have you been running Facebook ads with little or limited success? You’re not alone. Most people who run ads find they don’t get the results they’d hoped for. The […]

Do Facebook retargeting ads really work?

One of the things I really love about Facebook Ads is the retargeting feature using the Facebook Pixel. Before I talk about how effective that is, and how much […]

What is a good ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) for Facebook Ads?

When you run adverts on Facebook, one of the metrics it offers in its reporting is Return on Ad Spend, or ROAS. It essentially means how much money you […]

How your website could LITERALLY save your business

We may be in a form of lockdown in the UK, with many businesses closing their doors for the foreseeable future, but there are still opportunities to be found […]

Darren Jamieson also appeared on the following podcasts

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 10 50 The Official BNI Podcast Episode 830 Inviting Visitors Through Social Media on Apple Podcasts

The Official BNI Podcast

Darren Jamieson explains the most effective method for inviting visitors to your BNI chapter through social media.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 08 57 27 Trailblazer FM ™ Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson S45E02 Invest now get paid later Darren Jamieson on Apple Podcasts

Trailblazer FM ™ - Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson

With raw honesty, Darren shares their journey from doing it all themselves to building a large thriving team. He describes starting with content and developing a range of digital services. And how they automated the most time-intensive task with a lot of initial coding elbow grease.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 01 09 Woman Power Zone The Power of Digital Marketing With Darren Jamieson on Apple Podcasts

Woman Power Zone

On this episode of the Woman Power Zone Podcast Ariel is joined by Darren Jamieson to talk about the power of digital marketing, he has lots of great information, ideas and tools that may surprise you.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 08 58 50 The Recipe For SEO Success Show How to build a successful SEO Agency with Darren Jamieson (NEWBIE) on Apple Podcasts

The Recipe For SEO Success Show

Scaling up from being an SEO freelance consultant. Okay so perhaps you’re an SEO freelancer. Working job to job, helping clients on a small scale. But you have big dreams...

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 13 23 People With Purpose You Need a Great Website That Engages With Customers to Stand Out With Darren Jamieson on Apple Podcasts

People With Purpose

In this episode, David sits down to speak to Darren Jamieson who is the host of the Engaging Marketeer podcast. He's a public speaker. And he's the co-founder of Engage Web, helping his clients to be the center of attention on their terms.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 12 54 Build Better Brands The Power of Attraction With Darren Jamieson Technical Director – Engage Web on Apple Podcasts

Build Better Brands

On this episode of Build Better Brands, Danielle Clarke is joined by Darren Jamieson, Co-Founder and Technical Director of Engage Web, an online marketing agency that helps small to large businesses attract more attention to their websites.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 12 16 The Serviced Accommodation Property Podcast Interview with Darren Jamieson of EngageWeb – Social media marketing tips and tricks on Apple Podcasts

The Serviced Accommodation Property Podcast

In this podcast, Kevin speaks to Darren Jamieson of Engage Web. For over 20 years, Darren has been helping people to sell more using the internet. He shares several highly effective ways to use social media and your website to increase sales and keep your properties occupied

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 07 54 Spotify Embed

...and we have an Office Dog!

In this episode, Chris Simmance, The Agency Accelerator, speaks with Darren Jamieson, who founded Engage Web. Starting back in 2009, delivering content for digital agencies and growing hugely since there.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 10 06 Our Worlds are in Danger Bonus Episode 5 I’m Big Enough and Ugly Enough (interview with Darren Jamieson!) sur Apple Podcasts

Our Worlds are in Danger

On this spookiest of days, Jo takes the week off, as Wada jumps on what he calls the blagphone with Darren Jamieson—author of the infamous The Beast Within. An army of stooges, the heist of the century, and a cheap knockoff of The Beast...

Darren engaging marketeer

SOUL Purpose ~ with Caroline Carey

Darren says "As a child, I dealt with Scoliosis, a spine condition that meant I walked differently to other kids and faced daily bullying. My need to be liked and make people laugh grew..."

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 08 18 DoFollow Podcast The SEO Agency Rollercoaster with Darren Jamieson of Engage Web on Apple Podcasts

DpFollow Podcast

Tune in to another engaging episode of 'The SEO Agency Rollercoaster', this time featuring Darren Jamieson from Engage Web. Join us as we explore how Darren's agency has become a leader in digital marketing by blending SEO and web design.

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 07 54 Spotify Embed

...and we have an Office Dog!

Chris Simmance, The Agency Accelerator, speaks with Darren Jamieson, founder of Engage Web, on his podcast. Darren shares his experience running an agency for nearly 15 years, emphasizing human-written content over AI-generated material...

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 04 25 The Video Show Podcast Episode 400! With Darren Jamieson on Apple Podcasts

The Video Show Podcast

It's taken a bit longer than expected but we finally got to episode 400! What with being busy with work and other projects, 'The Video Show' has gone on the back burner, but this episode is an absolute banger!

Screenshot 2024 05 17 at 09 01 09 Woman Power Zone The Power of Digital Marketing With Darren Jamieson on Apple Podcasts

Woman Power Zone

On this episode of the Woman Power Zone Podcast Ariel is joined once more by Darren Jamieson to talk about choices in the business world which can also apply to your daily life.

Other Content written by Darren Jamieson

In a recent educational session for BNI (Business Network International) members, Darren Jamieson shared invaluable insights on becoming more effective in giving referrals by understanding the different types of […]
In the fast-paced world of business networking, making the most of every opportunity is crucial. Business Network International (BNI) offers a plethora of resources and networking avenues, but are […]
On today’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, Darren speaks to Teana Lynne about her incredible story, and how she went from being the victim of two consecutive abusive relationships […]
In one of the most energetic and entertaining BNI education moments you’ll ever witness, electrician Dave Bundy delivered his own brand of ed slot on the importance of Open […]
On today’s Engaging Marketeer, Darren is speaking with a BNI legend, Al Tepper. Al is very well known within networking circles and he actually runs the training nationally for […]
On today’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, Darren is joined by Natasha Britton. Natasha is a marketing and business consultant that specialises in salons. Having owned her own salon […]

Featured posts by Darren Jamieson

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Live Weather Display Using CSS, jQuery and PHP

In 2006 I had an idea which involved displaying a live weather feed on a company’s website, using the Yahoo Weather API as the source. At the time however, the only way to do this effectively was by using Flash, and this was something the company was unwilling to do due to the development time involved.

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How to harness Yahoo!'s weather API

In 2006, while working at a design agency in Cardiff, Wales, I conceived of an idea to feature on our website the current weather conditions outside our office. I wanted to make our website fully engaging and to show our visitors and clients what we were experiencing in real life each day, in real time.


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