
Decision making in No.10? There’s an App for that

Decision making in No.10? There’s an App for that

An App which is an aid to decision-making is being put through its paces by the PM, the Cabinet Office has confirmed.

The App, which has been nicknamed ‘Number 10 Dashboard’, also conveys live data for jobs, housing and daily government operations. More tools will also be added through the course of 2013, as the software is rolled across government.

The tool also centralises public opinion.

Interrogating data from numerous social streams such as Twitter, Facebook and Google, it gives a snapshot of public sentiment in key areas.

The digital team at the Cabinet Office has admitted that the dashboard is nothing new in many ways. However, it does say it is a very new innovation for government.

As if to underline this, a spokesman said:

“[The PM is] looking forward to showing it to President Obama.”

Much as with those with SEO jobs are concerned about, the App is heavily controlled by its interrogation of keywords. Picking up on what people are saying about certain topic areas, data visualisations are updated and downloaded in real time.

However, the news has come in for some criticism, with the founder of FutureGov Dominic Campbell saying that it could lead to knee jerk decisions being made. He commented:

“[Monitoring] Trending topics is hardly a way to govern a country.”

Others, though, do believe it is a positive step to use new data.

The development of an App was first confirmed under a Freedom of Information request earlier in the year.

Many rumours suggested Cameron had called for it to monitor his cabinet’s dealings on social networks.

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