
How to surf the rising tide of content marketing

How to surf the rising tide of content marketing

Content marketing is clearly a cost effective way to promote a business. This is why an increasing number of companies are investing more of their marketing budget in content marketing. The space is growing ever more competitive, so how do you survive the rising popularity of content marketing?

The emergent problem is that as the total spend on content marketing increases, the volume of

content also increases. Unfortunately, more content does not always lead to increased engagement. For example, over three years, BuzzFeed, which is a powerful force in viral content, has seen its social shares slashed by 60%. Similarly, 100 million social posts through Buzzsumo were recently analysed to reveal that the sharing of articles had dropped by half since 2015. Of course, some of this could be due to improvements on other social platforms, but evidently, there is a limit to how much content people can consume.

The situation is by no means hopeless, though. You just need to make sure your content is good enough. For example, is all your content well written? Does it engage people and resonate with their lives? If you can publish good content that people find interesting or useful, and if you can promote it effectively, it will rise above the sea of mediocre content.

If you feel your content can improve, first look at your content developers. If you have any freelancers that aren’t pulling their weight, or if they are struggling to balance volume with quality, maybe it is time to consider involving a website copywriting service in the process, because a good service can deliver quality content with the effort of involvement from you or your staff.

Once you have everything in place, look at what changes you will need to make to get your content where you want it to be, because quality is becoming ever more critical.

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