
Copywriting for the web and SEO

The principles involved in copywriting for the web are somewhat different to those used in conventional printed media. When you write copy in newspapers and magazines, you don’t have to worry about your copy being the thing that attracts people to pick up the publication in the first place; the cover should do that for you. How you craft your article or your column won’t have any effect on the number of people who buy the newspaper or magazine – when you write for the web, your copy is exactly what will bring in visitors.

What does this mean for your copywriting style when writing for the web? Firstly, when you write for other environments, you need to be concise and get your information across in as few words as possible. You need to make sure that your important details are in the first paragraph, and you want a title that attracts the attention of your reader.

Witty titles are great for the printed word, especially those that use puns. However, for the web they are useless. For the web, your title is what forms the title of your page in search results – and it will only do that if it has been found. Without mentioning the keywords of your article in the title, it will not be found.

Think to yourself what you would search for in Google to find your article. In fact, do just that. Enter your search terms in Google and see what comes up. The results should help you construct a title for your article.

Equally, the succinct nature of the printed word isn’t beneficial for SEO when copywriting for the web. You need longer sentences, longer articles and more copy on the page to ensure that search engines have something to index.

A professional copywriting company can help with this, but only if they have extensive experience writing web copy.

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