
Visit California’s National Parks on Google Earth

Visit California’s National Parks on Google Earth

Google Street View has added five of California’s National Parks to its collection, providing the opportunity for people who can’t visit in person to take a virtual tour of some of the world’s most amazing sights. Filming started in May this year after permission was granted by the Department of the Interior.

The vehicles used to capture the breathtaking sights are fitted with 15-lens cameras, which are pointed in every direction. Depending on the vehicle’s speed, the camera takes still images at regular intervals before software blurs the faces of people. The images then come together to form a view of 360 degrees. Google Street View users can click wherever they like on the screen to see images of Joshua Tree National Park and Redwood National Park. It is possible to do a 360 degree turn and see all the sights.

Evan Rapoport, the project manager for Street View says that the concept is to encourage people to want to visit these places in person but also to provide access for those who can’t. The chief interpreter at Redwood, Candace Tinkler, said:

“I often wish we could get the word out on some of the park system’s lesser known wonders. This is a wonderful opportunity for people around the world to connect to these places.”

Google strives to bring more information to users, whether the latest in Liverpool retail or one of the wonders of the world, which is why companies include the search engine giant as part of its search engine optimisation strategy.

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