Tradesman using mobile phone

Is it a good idea to ‘hijack’ on social media?

Tradesman using mobile phone

Is it a good idea to ‘hijack’ on social media?

It can be frustrating if you put time into your social media posts only to see them get no interaction, and that’s why some businesses on Facebook and Twitter look at taking more direct routes.

Rather than post and tweet and wait for followers to come to you, what if you decide to dive straight in and look for people who need your assistance?

This can work, but there’s a right and a wrong way to go about it.

An example

Imagine you’re an electrician, and you see somebody ask the below question on Twitter:

“What colour is the earth wire in a power circuit?”

This tweet was not directed at you in particular, but there’s certainly an opportunity for you to get yourself in there. How should you do it, though?

The wrong way

The worst approach is to just jump in there with a sales pitch, like this:

“Hi there. For all your electrical needs, contact me via DM or give me a call today.”

This is completely unhelpful, and most users will just see it as spammy. You’ve added nothing to the quality of the conversation by saying that and will probably be ignored.

A better way

Rather than simply sell yourself, use your expertise to answer their question, such as below:

“Hi there. The protective earth wire in a circuit is green and yellow, but please consult a professional before handling any wires.”

That’s useful advice. The tweeter will see that it’s come from a qualified electrician’s account, and might get in touch to ask more questions, or maybe one of their followers will. You’ve sold yourself by displaying your expertise, rather than by barging in there and instructing someone to call you.

The best way

Better still, if you see questions regularly cropping up about your sector on Twitter, why not use your blog to answer them, or even create a video for the purpose? That way, you can answer the question by simply directing people to your resources, as in:

“Hi there. We’ve written a blog that answers this question. Hope it helps! (insert link)”

“Hi there. We’ve created a video that answers this question. Let us know if you need more help! (insert link)”

This is helping the user, but it’s directing the audience you need straight to your website, YouTube or social media channels, and you can do it time and time again. Be sure to tailor the message to the user though, and alter the wording so it doesn’t look like you’re just automatically sending out a template response.

For more tips on how your online content can tie in with your social media use, please get in touch with us at Engage Web.

John Murray

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