Google updates viewing experience for search engine results Background
Google updates viewing experience for search engine results

Google updates viewing experience for search engine results

Google updates viewing experience for search engine results

Google updates viewing experience for search engine results

Google recently unveiled a new update to their search engine results page.

Launched in the United States, Google have introduced AI (artificial intelligence) organised search results that combine multi-format content types, providing users with a personalised search engine experience.

Search engine users in the U.S. will see a results page that includes forum discussions, articles and videos, among other content types, designed to provide users with a wider variety of sources and perspectives.

In a recent blog post, Google announced the following:

“We’re rolling out search results pages organised with AI in the U.S. — beginning with recipes and meal inspiration on mobile. You’ll now see a full-page experience, with relevant results organised just for you. You can easily explore content and perspectives from across the web including articles, videos, forums and more — all in one place.”

The blog continues, displaying an interactive example of the new AI-organised search engine results page.

When U.S. users search for “vegan appetizer ideas”, the AI-organised results show a selection of top recipes, before continuing to recipes for ‘easy vegetarian dips’ and ‘flavourful vegetarian bruschetta’.

There is also an ‘explore by ingredient’ section, where users can select the ingredients they wish to include. This makes a subsequent search, using your original search query, but specifically looks for recipes including the selected ingredients.

It’s important to keep in mind that this may cause a decline in the amount of organic search traffic directed to the site from Google’s search engine results page. This is because the update is designed to provide users with the answer they’re looking for, directly on the results page.

Particular effort will need to be made to ensure that individual websites are being used as sources of this information and are therefore visible on Google’s search engine results page. The more visible a website, the more traffic, and the more conversions.

Interested to know how Engage Web can help improve the SEO (search engine optimisation) performance of your website? Reach out to the friendly team today.

Lizi MacGregor

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