What is generative engine optimisation Background
What is generative engine optimisation

What is generative engine optimisation?

What is generative engine optimisation

What is generative engine optimisation?

Generative engine optimisation is the newest development in the realm of online marketing.

Generative engine optimisation, or GEO, refers to the process of optimising a website to increase its visibility in search engines driven by AI-technology, such as ChatGPT.

Much like traditional search engine optimisation, the goal of GEO is to enhance the presence of a site in search results when serving a user with an answer to their query.

By optimising the content on a website for the AI algorithms or generative engines, this should drive more targeted traffic to the site.

Is GEO and SEO the same thing?

Generative engine optimisation and search engine optimisation share similar characteristics; however, they aren’t the same thing.

The aim of SEO is to provide users with the most helpful information to answer their search query, whilst GEO is about providing AI models with the data to help produce a response.

What are the key similarities between GEO & SEO?

The strategy behind GEO and SEO both include the use of keywords, which helps improve the visibility of webpages in both the traditional and AI-driven search engines, ensuring that the content reaches the most relevant audience.

Similarly, both GEO and SEO prioritise importance on creating content that is high-quality and meets E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness) guidelines.

GEO & SEO place a high value on providing users with a positive experience. This is achieved by producing content that is easy for crawl bots & AI algorithms to find and index and allows for users to read and engage.

Providing users with a great experience is highly valued by GEO and SEO. This is accomplished by creating content that users can easily read, engage with and navigate to and from.

What are the key differences between GEO & SEO?

One of the key differences between generative and search engine optimisation is the understanding behind user intent.

SEO matches a keyword to the intent of the searcher by analysing the search engine results page to see the type of content Google is ranking in response to a query. For example, product pages, location-specific landing pages, etc.

GEO, on the other hand, uses AI algorithms to predict the intent behind a search and generates content that is contextually relevant to the query.

AI-driven search engines synthesize information from multiple online sources to create a single, detailed answer in response to a search query. Unlike traditional search engines, there isn’t a list of website links battling for position one.

SEO looks at enhancing the visibility of individual pages with the aim of ranking in the top position on the search engine results page.

How can you combine GEO and SEO?

There are a several strategies for combining GEO & SEO to ensure the content on your website is optimised for both traditional and AI-driven algorithms.

Expanding on standard search queries will help incorporate long-tail keywords or conversational queries. This enhanced keyword research will help target AI algorithms more accurately, which should help your content appear in more AI-generated results.

Ensure that your website is in tip-top health condition. Search engine crawl bots need to be able to find, crawl and index the pages on your website within their resource budget.

Slow loading pages may have a significant impact on whether your content appears in traditional or AI-generated search results.

Need help enhancing the content on your website for SEO or GEO purposes? Reach out to the friendly and knowledgeable team at Engage Web today.

Lizi MacGregor

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