UK mobile users less reluctant to buy than US – Survey

UK mobile users less reluctant to buy than US – Survey

A new survey has shown that in the UK, we are far less likely to immediately complete a purchase when mobile searching than in the US. The data, interesting to all in internet marketing, is sure to fire up a new array of SEO strategies.

First study

The 1,5000 user survey was commissioned by location-based ad network xAd, call measurement firm Telmetrics, and conducted by Nielsen. It was published in the first Mobile Path-to-Purchase study by Telmetrics.

The most common searches done on the go in the UK were price comparisons and reviews, showing the importance of search optimisation for bricks and mortar retail. Of those taking part in the survey, only 40% said they would make a purchase within 24 hours of their search though.

However, of this, 22% said they intended to purchase within the hour.

US study

Compared to a similar study in the US eight months ago, there is less immediate intent to buy.

In the UK for example, just 58% of those searching for restaurants had intent to purchase within the same day; in the US, this was 87%.

Similarly, just 29% of those looking for cars in the UK intended to complete a purchase that day; in the US, the figure is 49%. Travel too was 31% for the UK and 33% for the US, but was the only category where the difference was less than ten percent.

Potential customers

One of the most interesting facts was that in the survey, 65% of respondents were unsure what they were even searching for.

This alone shows the potential that is out there is marketers can really deliver a strategy that works.

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