Stop your reader in their tracks how to write a great headline background
Stop your reader in their tracks how to write a great headline

Stop your reader in their tracks: how to write a great headline

Stop your reader in their tracks how to write a great headline

Stop your reader in their tracks: how to write a great headline

Whether it’s a social media post, blog or news article, a compelling headline can be the difference between capturing your reader’s attention or having them scroll right by.

With so much information out there already, it’s never been more important to make sure your headlines are compelling enough to stop your reader in their tracks. Below, we’ll take a look at some simple yet effective ways in which you can pack a wordy punch.

Keep it precise

The purpose of a headline is to provide a summary of the content in as few words as possible. It should give your readers an idea of what the article or post is about, without giving too much away.

Effectively, a headline should generate a sense of intrigue, without being too vague. If the reader can’t gauge the topic of the content from the headline alone, they’re unlikely to invest their time in reading more. Short, snappy sentences that sum up the content, while still leaving enough mystery to pull in the reader, are key.

Business owners and content creators should also be wary that rambling headlines that lack substance could see less success when ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs), as Google prioritises content that is useful over that which lacks relevance.

Use your voice

Even with new businesses just starting out, each brand will have its own unique voice. Whether stemming from your business’s core values, your years of experience or your passion for the products you create, you will have adapted a certain tone somewhere along the line, whether consciously or not.

Whether your voice is one of authority or humour; whether you pride yourself on fantastic customer service or offering the best job in your industry, it’s important to use your own unique tone throughout your headlines and content. This can help to develop your business’s image over time, as customers will start to recognise your voice, helping you stand out and appear as an authority in your field.

Here at Engage Web, we help our search engine optimisation (SEO) clients with quality content that speaks directly to their target customers. If you’d like to find out more about our digital marketing services, why not get in touch?

Lia Bartley

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