
Brainstorming for article writers

Imagine you are writing articles on behalf of a publishing company’s website and you are compelled to produce articles in a short time period. You must avoid duplicate content and you must write articles with the potential to interest your target audience or rank for key phrases. Obviously, you are likely to focus on books. Before you launch into your first article, it is advisable to generate some ideas and the traditional method is to brainstorm. Then develop your initial ideas:

• If it is summer, you could come up with a list of excellent books to take on holiday. People have more time on vacation than normal so don’t be afraid to recommend some larger volumes. Ensure you recommend a range of books which address various subjects because readers could be tempted by both light reading and more serious work at this time

• If it is the end of the year, consider what books have made an impact over the year and why. Convey your thoughts on the ‘best books’ that the publishing company has been associated with. Be careful to include popular titles that have been widely reviewed and that your readers may well have heard of. However, you may refer to the odd quirky book which may have resonance with a smaller audience. This will mean that your article is not bland and predictable

• If it is getting near Valentine’s Day, some article writers would be tempted to focus exclusively on romantic fiction. However, it may be astute to refer to books from different genres or which subvert the genre. This should broaden your appeal

When you write regular content for a website, you constantly need to come up with fresh ideas. Good content writers are used to doing this and those that specialise in SEO will know how to combine the two elements when writing for the web.

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