Why it pays to know what your competitors are writing about Background
Why it pays to know what your competitors are writing about

Why it pays to know what your competitors are writing about

Why it pays to know what your competitors are writing about

Why it pays to know what your competitors are writing about

If you’re serious about ranking well on Google, then it’s not just a case of staying in your lane with a set of blinkers on. If you REALLY want to rank well on the search engine, you need to get familiar with what your competitors are doing.

How is this achieved? Well, firstly, you’re going to need to do some research into what’s already ranking.

If you have a specific keyword you’re using, type this into Google and see what comes up. Have a look at what’s ranking well, and take a close look to see what the similarities are.

Is there an average word count for these articles? Are they using images or videos alongside their copy, which are likely to be optimised for SEO (search engine optimisation)? Maybe they have downloadable content in the form of lead magnets*, or a set of in-depth FAQs (frequently asked questions).

If your competitors’ blogs are all following a similar template, and are ranking well off the back of this, then guess what – you’ll need to do this too. The bigger the search volume for the keyword you’re trying to rank for, the more of an uplift you’ll need to give your content on Google to make it count.

Likewise, if you’re targeting a keyword with a lower search volume, and typing it into Google reveals top-ranking competitor articles that feature a lower word count (with one or two images here and there), you don’t need to focus quite so much on penning Shakespeare-esque articles with thousands of words. A couple of quality blogs here and there will do, with perhaps a well-optimised image and a juicy call-to-action button.

If you want to benefit from regular SEO-driven content that helps to put your website in front of your audience, speak to the team at Engage Web today.

Lia Bartley

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