What should my website’s service pages look like Background
What should my website’s service pages look like

What should my website’s service pages look like?

What should my website’s service pages look like

What should my website’s service pages look like?

When you’re preparing to launch a new website, you want everything to be 100% perfect. But what does ‘perfect’ look like?

In terms of the services pages on your site, you want to create something that gives your readers a good idea of what you can provide for them and encourages them to invest in your offerings right away, while also helping your website’s overall search engine optimisation (SEO).

Should you add lots of content to benefit SEO, or will this put readers off and make your site less likely to convert?

Should your services pages include images, or will your audience be more interested in the details of your service?

How many services pages do you need?

Below, we’re listing a few important points to keep in mind when creating your website’s services pages:

Service pages are SEO and sales tools

For a truly effective service page, you should aim to optimise it for both SEO and sales purposes. Like any SEO-friendly content, pages should meet the requirements of search engines like Google when it comes to URLs, metadata (website information visible to search engines but not users) and the main content of a page.

However, at the same time, you must consider the visitor to your website who is reading your service pages. In order to give your site the best chance of converting this visitor, your content should be engaging and appealing as well as SEO-friendly. It’s a fine balance.

Benefits and process

Essentially, your ideal customer cares about two things – why your service is going to benefit them, and how you’re going to do it. Therefore, it’s crucial you include this info in your service pages.

Tell them the challenges you’ll help them overcome, and put their minds at ease about how you’re going to achieve this.

Secure an enquiry

No matter how SEO-friendly, user-friendly and downright breathtaking the content on your service pages is, there is but one goal that counts at the end of it all – securing a customer.

Above all else, tell readers exactly how to become a new customer through a call to action (maybe don’t word it like that on the website). Without this, your hard work may go entirely to waste.

Our magic web designers at Engage Web, along with our expert editing team, ensure that every new website we create is engaging, informative and optimised for both conversions and SEO. If your business needs a new online presence, speak to our team today.

Luke Meredith

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