What are brand values and why do they impact consumer decisions Background
What are brand values and why do they impact consumer decisions

What are brand values and why do they impact consumer decisions?

What are brand values and why do they impact consumer decisions

What are brand values and why do they impact consumer decisions?

At the core of every good company is a steadfast set of brand values. But how exactly are these established, and more importantly, how can you ensure they are aligned with the business’s actions?

In this blog, we’ll look at some examples of brand values, and how you can make sure these are implemented in your own business to meet consumer expectations.

Core brand values that attract new business

To identify your values, it can be helpful to remember why you started the company in the first place. Do you champion inclusivity? Are you invested in environmental concerns?

Whatever your “why”, it’s important to remain authentic – meaning you shouldn’t try to appeal to everyone. While this can seem counter-intuitive, there’s no point banging on about global warming and how you want to save the oceans if your products don’t align with this. Not only will this make your brand appear disingenuous, but it’s deflecting away from what you ACTUALLY care about – which should always be the driving force behind your business.

Instead of trying to please the entire market, turn your attention instead to what your real mission is, and use this to determine the actions your business takes. You’ll also need to spend time getting to know your specific target audience – these are the people who your products or services were invented for, and they, coupled with your business’s true purpose, should be the focus of any marketing campaign you do.

What do audiences expect going into 2025?

According to a study, when consumers were asked about what they expected from brands, these four values came out on top:

  • Listen to customer feedback
  • Make customers feel valued
  • Be socially responsible
  • Be transparent about how data was collected and used

With so many businesses operating in every industry and niche, it’s never been more important to take stock of your target audience’s expectations of your brand. While every business will have their own unique “why”, so too will their specific audience have certain values. By spending time understanding what makes your ideal consumer tick, you can incorporate this in your own mission statement, aligning your customers’ values with your own; this can then be carried out in the actions that you take.

If you’re looking to boost your visibility online to find your dream clients, why not reach out to our team at Engage Web today?

Lia Bartley

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