How do I create a great homepage for my website Background
How do I create a great homepage for my website

How do I create a great homepage for my website?

How do I create a great homepage for my website

How do I create a great homepage for my website?

The homepage is essentially the shop window to your business. It should display exactly who you are, what your business offers and why people should buy from you.

So, how do you make sure you’re attracting the right target audience? Below, we’ll look at what makes a homepage compelling, as well as some of the most common pitfalls to avoid.

Simplicity is key

Remember, your homepage is often the first impression a potential customer gets of your business. So, it needs to be inviting – a place where the viewer will want to spend time.

If it helps, you can think about it like a physical shop. If the place was cluttered and old-fashioned, with confusing signs pointing you in strange directions (like some kind of Alice in Wonderland-esque nightmare), you’d probably be hastily backing out of that store – and it’s the same for your website.

Keep everything simple and specific to your aims. Business is, at the end of the day, straightforward; you’re looking to promote your products or services so that customers will buy them from you, so make sure that’s easy for them to do. Don’t try to overcomplicate navigation by trying to be clever – it’s fine to call your services “Services” – that’s what they are. Internal linking can also be a great way to help the user get around your site – but make sure they’re getting what they expect when they click on the link, otherwise they’ll probably be clicking away instead.

Is there an ideal layout I should be following?

While there isn’t a hard and fast rule for how your homepage should be formatted, the following features are typically expected, and can be a good way to give your ideal customer a taste of what you offer:


This is the inclusion of a menu bar, and will help the user travel around your website efficiently.

Hero Section

Just like a hero, this section is designed to steal the spotlight. Typically what your users are first drawn to, it appears immediately under your menu bar, and should highlight the most important aspects of your business, such as who you are, what you offer and why you’re different.


Your prospective customers will want to know a bit more about you – so here’s your chance to give them the low-down, as well as to inform them on how you can solve their problem. Bonus points if it’s a problem they didn’t even know they had.

Products and Services

Depending on how many products or services you offer, this is the perfect opportunity to give users a quick glimpse into what you offer. This can be done via a carousel widget or other show-reel-type installation to add that extra aesthetic interest and flair, along with interlinking opportunities for quick navigation.

Social Proofing

This is perhaps one of the most important elements to add to your homepage. People trust the collective opinion of others, so having case studies, positive reviews and testimonials of previous happy customers can be a powerful way to attract new conversions.

If you’re looking for a brand-new website that displays your business in the best light, why not get in touch with our team today, and find out more about our digital marketing services?

Lia Bartley

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