
Dawn of the Web

About Dawn of the Web:

Our team at Engage Web took a day out of their busy schedules to shoot a zombie spoof. This was under the very thin guise of promoting our Fresh Start website, and how it’s so robust it would even survive a zombie apocalypse. With nods to Shaun of the Dead, The Walking Dead, Thriller and more… our big-budget production (about £18.75) proved a huge hit on social media.

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lianne circle

Lianne Wilkinson

john circle

John Murray

darren circle

Darren Jamieson

jonathon circle

Jonathon Roberts

alan circle

Alan Littler

emily circle

Emily jones

Behind the scenes

Watch the terrifying transformation as make up artist Sara Davies turns mild-mannered Ops Manager Alan Littler into a blood-curdling minion of the undead. The authentic Michael Jackson Thriller jacket completed the look, leaving zombies Alan and Jonathon ready to attack Engage Web HQ in search of BRAINS! …they didn’t find any.

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Did You Know?

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  • Emily knew all of her lines, without needing any prompts!
  • Though she did need numerous takes in order to say “Hot Digitty Dog” without laughing
  • The Cornetto inclusion was a reference to Edgar Wright’s Cornetto Trilogy, which includes Shaun of the Dead
  • The cricket bat held by John was a child’s bat which, in his hands, looked even smaller!
  • When Jonathon is attacked by Zombie Alan, he is ALREADY in full zombie make up. You only see his face for a split second.

Emily as Negan

Emily’s character is based on Negan, from The Walking Dead – even though Emily doesn’t watch TWD, and doesn’t like horror films. Despite this, she embraced the role, performed her own stunts and showed incredible vigour with the baseball bat when battering colleague Jonathon!

John As Shaun

John Murray was dressed as Shaun (Simon Pegg) from Shaun of the Dead, although John’s character in Dawn of the Web was very firmly ‘John Murray’.

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Make up artist, Sarah Davies, who turned our two volunteers into hideous zombies, speaks about her career and influences. When she’s not turning nerds into zombies, she’s working on some pretty exciting stuff!


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