London-based start-up Ruffle Digital was looking for a sleek and modern website in keeping with its bespoke and targeted approach to digital marketing and advertising.
Opening with a video that symbolises targeting individuals within a crowd, the site uses the company’s logo colours of rose gold and blue grey as its framework, with the home page integrating a distinctive chevron design to represent movement and traffic.
During a content call, the client mentioned the idea of a seven-stage process. Our content team took this and, by tweaking one or two of the stages, came up with the DELIVER model that now forms the backbone of the site. We then wrote all the content on the site, keeping in mind that DELIVER was at the crux of what Ruffle does and should be referred to throughout.
To help the user understand the elements of the DELIVER model, any one of them can be clicked, taking them through to the relevant point on the About Us page. The client prides itself on being individual, different and bespoke, so the site also includes a blog to help the company project its ‘voice’, and a ‘Why Work With Us?’ page to highlight its unique selling points.
The site is simple yet visually engaging and interactive, accentuating the vibrant and forward-thinking nature of the business.
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