Evolve Commercial Finance

Evolve Commercial Finance wanted a modern look and feel to portray a knowledgeable, professional finance company that can help businesses and landlords to secure loans. Most competitors’ websites are rather flat or come across as unprofessional or startup-like. Evolve wanted to avoid this and asked us to create a site that felt fresh both in structure and style.

We’ve used timeless fonts and a modern, open layout with sections overlapping one another to provide a more natural customer journey on the site. The homepage answers some of the most important questions visitors may have, while the calls to actions build on that to generate leads for the company.

The top section uses an eye-catching animation to display the tagline with a short outline of what Evolve does. The slider in the background also helps to identify the type of loans provided, instantly resonating with visitors looking for a loan. The animations down on the page also help draw attention to the calls to actions and the links to the Services subpages. We’ve incorporated the gradient (shifting from dark to light green) used in the company logo into the site as both button backgrounds and overlays for these links. For the subpages, we’ve put more emphasis on the content with the use of whitespace and only using images for decorative purposes.

For the content itself, we had experience of building the Home Financial website for the company’s residential arm, so we adapted a similar helpful and understanding tone here while using language more in keeping with businesses. Emphasising a message of growth and flexibility throughout, each of the service was given its own page that explained clearly what that service entailed. Rather than assume knowledge and bombard the reader with jargon, the pages take an introductory approach, guiding the user through what to expect and inviting them to get in touch for advice.

Evolve Commercial Finance now has a vibrant and modern website that stands out among its competitors.

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