LinkedIn: are you presenting a professional profile on LinkedIn?
The number of social media sites cropping up these days can feel overwhelming, but it’s important to know which ones your business should be paying attention to. LinkedIn is generally one of those sites. The social networking site, launched in 2003, took a little while to catch on but now a vast number of businesses are using it to their advantage.
It’s the professional tone of the site that sets it apart; unlike other social media sites, LinkedIn is predominantly for business networking. This makes it a valuable online business tool, whether you’re using it for warm calling, to make a sale, to enhance your market research, to become recognised as an expert in your field or even for recruitment purposes. Here at Engage Web, we can help you to work out your LinkedIn strategy.
The SEO side of LinkedIn
There is an obvious SEO and marketing advantage to using most social network sites. When you create your business profile and include your site’s links, you’re contributing to your SEO.
When you’re using LinkedIn or any other form of social media, it’s vital to commit to what you’re doing. A lot of businesses feel that simply having a profile is enough but often, it’s not enough.
*Be real. Businesses often hide behind names, but social media sites are all about real people. This is particularly true for LinkedIn. If you want to prosper using LinkedIn, you should look to include a photo of each key member of staff listed on the site
*Link in. It’s a great shame that so many professionals find it difficult to figure out how to put a link to their own site on LinkedIn. This is one of the most valuable uses you can make of the site. You can chat to us at Engage Web about linking through LinkedIn – and how to link in with the right contacts online
*Provide content. People read the profiles and business pages on LinkedIn, and the more information you provide, the better. Treat your profile much as you would your CV. List the things your business does and what its goals are. This is a great way to attract new clients, demonstrate your success and experience and can provide sufficient content for your page to take another position in the search engine pages. You can also set up groups, use the Answers sections for market research and increase awareness and take advantage of a multitude of other features
Going social? Get LinkedIn with Engage Web
A social media campaign can take a significant investment of time, so it’s important to make sure that you’re getting the full benefits. At Engage Web, we take a holistic view of Internet marketing efforts, meaning that social media techniques are used to enhance your online marketing campaign. We can help you to not only gain attention from the net with your profile, but support your website.
Is your website LinkedIn yet?
Talk to us at Engage Web about ways you can use the worlds of social media, like LinkedIn, in Internet marketing.