Tailored news feeds

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News feeds have become a popular format for content on the web, and it’s no wonder. They provide a great source of fresh content, satisfy the search engines and keep site users coming back for more. Smart site owners are taking the tactic one natural step further with tailored news feeds.

What is a tailored news feed?

A tailored news feed is a feed that fits in with a site’s theme. In a lot of news feeds, the news being featured may not have a great deal of relevance to the site it’s featured on. This is because many news service providers concentrate on general news, rather than thinking about the needs of the client.

Providers that supply a tailored news feed recognise that every site has an individual angle. The news being fed through is designed to fit the purpose of the site, meaning that the news feed slots in seamlessly with the existing content.

Tailored news feeds are a great option for businesses wanting to please customers and attract search engine attention.

The benefits of tailored news feeds

In tailoring a news feed, site owners can have all the advantages of news feeds and more besides. Generally, news feeds are used as part of an SEO content plan. This is because they provide a path to fresh content and are constantly providing updates. These updates keep the search engines coming back for more.

With a tailored news feed, the search engines find even more to please them. The content in the feed is more relevant to the site’s keywords, and so even better for the SEO plan.

The benefits extend to regular readers, too. Tailored news feeds provide the industry and company news that they’re looking for.

How feeds are tailored

It might come as a surprise to know that there are plenty of options for site owners wanting to tailor their news feeds. The average site owner falls back on general feeds simply because they can’t picture any news that really relates to their business. With the advice of a reliable SEO company or news feed provider, this quickly changes.

News isn’t just a matter of world events. When Internet users travel to a business or specialised site, they’re already interested in the industry in question. Tailored news feeds provide site visitors with news that’s better suited to their interests. With a tailored news feed on site, companies can look forward to becoming a resourceful authority in their industry, rather than just another industry site.

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