For any site owner wanting to get their fresh content plan on track, the best addition is a news feed. News feeds for websites provide great content, attract search engine spiders more regularly, and even have benefits for the site’s audience.
Yet another step toward happy site users
There is much concentration on the SEO benefits of news feeds for websites, but there is another major benefit that shouldn’t be overlooked. Including news feeds on a site, quite simply, makes site users happy.
From a site user’s perspective, a constantly updating site can prove to be a bit of a problem, particularly when it’s the site of a favourite business or product. Having the text of pages change all the time can be confusing. Many sites get around this by confining the new text to a blog or similar device, but a news feed is even more handy.
Site users also appreciate the automatic updating element of a news feed. News feeds keep users informed with the least amount of effort possible. In an information-addicted world, providing news feeds for a website is the next step in communication.
The benefits to business
Of course, any smart business owner is looking for more than just keeping site users happy. News feeds for a website bring multiple benefits. The first one to consider is SEO.
Everyone interested in SEO is looking for fresh content, and fresh content is what a news feed is all about. The reliable provision of fresh content that a news feed provides is what’s attracted so many SEO experts and site owners to their use. In terms of uploading enough words to help a page, news feeds are one of the easiest ways possible.
There are other benefits, though. News feeds can be a good way to keep track of content, and a great way to send original content out onto the Internet. This news content attracts a broader range of users to the site, and makes it easier to convince them to return. News feeds are also a nicely subtle method of sending out a marketing message.
Using a news feed provider is a convenient option for any site owner interested in news feeds, and it’s a good idea to talk to an SEO company about the options available. By using a professional provider, site owners can look forward to all the benefits of news feeds with virtually no effort needed to keep one active.