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Plaque on lifeboat statue replaced to correct errors

Plaque on lifeboat statue replaced to correct errors

A new plaque has been placed on a lifeboat statue which commemorates the crewmen at a lifeboat station, who were lost in service. The original plaque, on the statue at Fraserburgh, contained spelling errors. The names of two of the lifeboat members were spelt incorrectly, with lifeboat chiefs also being unhappy with the font style and size. In view of this, the decision was made to replace the original and have a new plaque made which was error free. The memorial is to commemorate 13 crew members who gave their lives doing their duty in the last century, whilst on duty for the Broch lifeboat. An appeal was launched in 2009, taking just ten months to reach the target of £40,000.

Spelling errors can have a huge impact upon readers, whether a publication, a memorial or a website. An important event such as the unveiling of a memorial relies upon the correct spelling of names and the appropriate writing style. Errors made, although not deliberate, will have a negative impact upon the occasion.

The web copy and articles of a website will also create an impact upon the reader, which will hopefully be positive. Spelling errors and a writing style which detracts from the content will not engage the visitors to your website, giving an unprofessional image. Companies who outsource content writing are free to concentrate on other business activities, knowing that the content of their website is professional and will engage the reader. A UK copywriting agency will produce written content which is accurate and grammatically correct, in a timely manner.

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