ISTJ – Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

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Based on the work of Myers-Briggs (Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs) and on the personality classifications formulated by Carl Jung, personality style profiles (PSP) help us understand how our personality type affects the way we approach situations and how we may respond or behave and interact with others.

There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ profiles, it is completely non-judgmental, but understanding how personalities are simply ‘different’ to our own, rather than inconsiderate or wrong, can help us to work together.

What are the practical benefits?
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The Duty Fulfiller

ISTJ personality types have an internal focus while absorbing the information from their senses in a literal way. A person with an ISTJ personality type is likely to direct their energy to their internal world, the world of ideas, but will also like looking at information that involves facts and concrete details. Likely to deal with situations logically, they have a secondary focus on the external world where they prefer things to be dealt with rationally.

ISTJ behaviour characteristics

An ISTJ is a quiet kind of person who is generally reserved in everyday interactions. A secure, peaceful life is what they aim for. At the same time, they have a strong sense of duty. This can make them seem serious to others. Motivated to finish the tasks they start, their approach is usually a methodical one. Being highly organised, when they take on a task they generally succeed at it.

This person will hold honesty and integrity as valuable qualities, important in themselves and in others. ISTJs tend to be dependable, as well as faithful and loyal, qualities which add up to make them some of the most dependable citizens of any community. With a strong belief in laws and traditions, this person will do the right thing for the communities they’re a part of – and believe others should do the same.

This doesn’t mean that ISTJs can never be fun, and indeed they’re likely to make work gatherings a fun event. Their sense of humour is off-beat, which balances out their serious approach to life.

A reliable workhorse

While ISTJs aren’t comfortable with breaking the rules or the law, they can be supportive when they see a need to go against the status quo. Generally, though, they don’t see a need to work against the established rules and plans. One of the downfalls of the ISTJ personality can be a potential to be obsessed with established systems; they decide logically what should be done and work towards goals steadily, regardless of distractions. Intuitive management of situations is still important.

An ISTJ’s love of finishing tasks means they can be relied on. This reliability can sometimes lead to overly heavy workloads, and they probably need to learn how to say ‘no’ to their work colleagues and learn to discuss with others the prioritisation of workloads.

Leadership and interaction

Their work ethic is strong, and they will put admirable energy into tasks that help them reach their goals. Sometimes this means they will resist tasks that don’t seem to help towards a goal, and this is something to be aware of in team situations. They probably prefer to work alone, but do make a great team member. They like to be in charge, and like being accountable for their own actions.

ISTJ types prefer the practical to the abstract. They respect facts, and are likely to be good at collecting them. ISTJs can have trouble taking on an idea which doesn’t fit with their own, but when the idea is explained by someone they respect, the idea can become ‘fact’ in the ISTJ’s brain. Once an ISTJ takes on a cause or an idea, they will do everything in their power to fulfil their duty to support it.

This admirable loyalty is tempered by a difficulty sensing emotions. ISTJs aren’t very comfortable with feelings, and can have trouble picking up on emotional cues. This, combined with perfectionism, means that an ISTJ may need to take time to give others encouragement – they may miss the cues that they need it.

While they’re excellent at managing tasks, they can start to focus on the negative when under stress. They might not give themselves enough credit for what they do. The ISTJ is logical, effective, loyal and dedicated, so should allow themselves time to reflect on their achievements.

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