
ISFJ – Introverted, Feeling, Sensing, Judging

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Based on the work of Myers-Briggs (Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs) and on the personality classifications formulated by Carl Jung, personality style profiles (PSP) help us understand how our personality type affects the way we approach situations and how we may respond or behave and interact with others.

There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ profiles, it is completely non-judgmental, but understanding how personalities are simply ‘different’ to our own, rather than inconsiderate or wrong, can help us to work together.

What are the practical benefits?
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A Nurturing Personality

ISFJ personality types concentrate on their internal world, interpreting information from their five senses in concrete terms. When it comes to the external world, ISFJs will deal with events according to how they feel, assessing situations according to their personal value systems. For someone who is an ISFJ personality type, the world is full of concrete ideas but it is also kind. ISFJs tend to be kind people themselves.

ISFJ Behaviour Characteristics

Sensitivity to the feelings of other people is a main characteristic of ISFJ personality types, and this often brings about a change in the behaviour of people around them. ISFJ value harmony, and tend toward cooperation. Wanting to believe in the best in people, kind-hearted and warm, ISFJs are a soothing presence in a team. They are considerate and aware of others, and their firm belief in the best qualities of the people they’re surrounded by often means that others perform at their best level in response.

An ISFJ pays great attention to the people and things they find important, and it’s often surprising to others just how much they remember. They may recall entire conversations years in advance if the situation was significant for them.

ISFJs have a great respect for law and tradition, and are reluctant to change existing systems. Change is only approved of when a concrete benefit can be seen. The ISFJ’s crystal clear vision of how things should be can be a great asset, as it makes them determined to succeed.

A solid practical work ethic

The ISFJ personality type learns best by doing, rather than reading. Practical applications hold appeal for them, but they usually find theorising or abstract thinking a chore. When an idea can be shown in practical application and learned, the ISFJ can be depended on to carry it through tirelessly. They have a strong sense of duty.

ISFJs take on responsibility well, and others naturally rely on them. This can have a negative side, as the ISFJ person may be reluctant to speak up when they are being overworked. An intense dislike of conflict and a value of others’ needs means they have trouble saying ‘no’. ISFJs often have to learn to identify and value their own needs for a healthy balance.

An ISFJ’s practicality lends itself to an excellent concept of space. ISFJs are usually good at envisioning space, and have a good feel for aesthetics.

Valuable emotional insight

Just as ISFJs are aware of the feelings of others, they are also extremely self-aware. When an ISFJ does speak up, they are skilled at helping others become aware of their own feelings.

This skill at detecting emotion doesn’t always translate into good things, however, as ISFJs may not talk about emotional matters until they feel the situation warrants it. If an ISFJ feels something negative, they are likely to bottle it up. This can turn into a fixed negative idea of another person.

A good sense of how others are feeling doesn’t mean that an ISFJ doesn’t need encouragement – in fact, they may need more positive feedback than other personality types. In the face of criticism and a lack of positive feedback, ISFJs are at risk of becoming depressed. They can catastrophise within themselves when under stress, feeling that they can’t do anything right and imagining all the things that could go wrong, meaning they need support.

The loyalty, sense of duty and warmth of this personality type makes them a valuable member of a team. Their sensitivity is a special gift, making them extremely helpful in keeping things running smoothly. ISFJs may need to remember to give themselves the warmth and encouragement they so freely give to others.

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