Based on the work of Myers-Briggs (Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs) and on the personality classifications formulated by Carl Jung, personality style profiles (PSP) help us understand how our personality type affects the way we approach situations and how we may respond or behave and interact with others.
There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ profiles, it is completely non-judgmental, but understanding how personalities are simply ‘different’ to our own, rather than inconsiderate or wrong, can help us to work together.
What are the practical benefits?
Why display our personality types on our emails?
The Guardian
ESTJs primarily live with attention paid to the external world. They have a logical attitude to the things they encounter. Internally, they interpret the information taken in by their five senses in a literal way. For an ESTJ, the world is a world of facts. They live in the present, dealing with things as they come.
ESTJ behaviour characteristics
An ESTJ likes things to run smoothly. They are constantly on the watch to ensure that this is so. In the eyes of an ESTJ, things should happen systematically and they will take charge to make sure that things go according to plan.
ESTJs are natural leaders, but they can be a little overbearing at times. Their self-confidence can come across as aggression to some. This is because they can see so clearly for themselves what needs to be done. They are extremely talented when it comes to planning, envisioning the steps that need to be taken to see a plan through. An ESTJ may become demanding and critical at times when they feel someone isn’t meeting their standards. They can also be trusted to be straightforward and honest.
The ESTJ has great respect for laws and traditions. They are very clear on their own standards and beliefs, and expect other people to be so as well. They may not have patience with people who do not have strong values, as the ESTJ personality type has difficulty understanding how this is possible. ESTJs tend to become respected members of the community because they commit to the rules.
ESTJs also like to have fun. They like to be around people and be very boisterous socially.
Creating order
As they value order, ESTJs tend to do what they can to create an orderly life and environment around themselves. They like people to get along, and do what they can to ensure their community and work environment functions smoothly. This extends to practical tasks – an ESTJ is likely to be the person who cleans up the staff kitchen or volunteers to be on the social club committee.
This love of order can go too far and ESTJs need to watch themselves for sticking too rigidly to the rules. ESTJs can become too interested in details and can ignore other people’s input at times. An ESTJ will often benefit from paying more attention to the emotions of the people around them. This will help them deal with the personalities in their team as effectively as they deal with the strategies the team is creating.
An ESTJ is usually a good communicator and able to express themselves effectively. Under stress, though, an ESTJ may clam up. This is because they may have trouble putting how they feel into words at these times. An ESTJ suffering from stress is likely to feel a little isolated and will benefit from support. Otherwise, the ESTJ may feel undervalued and even feel that all their efforts within the team are not being appreciated. As they have trouble expressing this, they may need help to clear up the misunderstanding.
Reliable and dependable
An ESTJ will put a lot of effort and energy into the things they do. They will use their planning skills to map out a strategy and then do everything they can think of to achieve the goal. They can be relied on to conscientiously undertake their tasks.
With a lot of practical skills on board, an ESTJ is a useful member within or leading a team. Their practicality may be limited to things within their scope, however, and ESTJs may need to take time out every so often to value the things others do.