Fairfield university, Bridgeport USA, has set up a writing centre for students to enlist help with their English from peers. Students who wish to become tutors are required to complete a course entitled Writing and Responding. After completion of this course, the students can apply to become a tutor, which involves an interview process with seven stages. Finally, ten students will be selected, working ten hours a week each.
The Writing Centre has four faculty members who share the duties, with Dr David Sapp being the new director. Sapp is keen to emphasise that the centre is available for all students, not necessarily because they are struggling. Attending the centre shows that a student is willing to put in the extra effort to ensure their work is accurate. A student can often work through the night, producing a good piece of work but will be full of grammatical and spelling errors. Very often, it is impossible to spot your own errors and a fresh pair of eyes will be able to make the necessary corrections. The tutors often work with students who speak English as a second language, helping to improve grammar and spelling.
For owners of websites who have difficulty with English grammar, or speak English as a second language, a reputable copywriting agency will provide accurate work on your behalf. Just as tutors at the Writing Centre can improve the content and accuracy of written work, a professional writer will produce fresh, original content which is proofread by their editor. An article writing service may not get you a degree, but it will create a professional image for your website.
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