
Writing by numbers leads to success

Writing by numbers leads to success

Most professionals in the writing world, from romantic novelists to seasoned SEO copywriters, will remember the old saying that a would-be writer is supposed to have a million mediocre words to splurge out on to the page before anything worth reading can emerge. This idea, coupled with the knowledge that practice makes all the difference in most endeavours, has led to a number of online writing challenges. Perhaps the best known of these is ‘NaNoWriMo’, or National Novel Writing Month, which sets participants the goal of producing a fifty thousand word novel in the month of November. For those aiming directly for the one million word passport to writing superiority, there is ‘Milwordy’, a group challenge to write a million words within a year.

These online happenings revolve around forums where entrants share tips, celebrate achievements and commiserate when the going is difficult. Many achieve the required number of words and some have their work published. From novelists to article writers, writing copiously is part of becoming skilled, but there is more to consider: grammar and spelling need to be mastered and it is also important to read widely in order to absorb different ways of working.

All of this indicates that an incredible amount of time and hard graft are necessary to produce a top-level writer, and it is a common misconception that ‘anyone’ can write. UK copywriters currently writing for the web will have put in the years of effort needed to become proficient in their work, and can be hired with confidence.

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