
Writing a brilliant meta description

It could so easily remain unnoticed by content writers when creating a website, but the meta description, although invisible on the page, has an important part to play in improving the SEO of a site.

While search engines will not alter the ranking of a site due to the quality of its meta description, they can display the meta description beneath the title of a web page in the search results, in which case it acts as a ‘summing up’ or concise advertisement for the site. This can mean the meta description ends up in a position where it has a large effect on whether web users decide to visit a site or not.

Due to the limited number of words involved, usually less than 200 characters in all, coming up with a winning meta description can be rather a challenge, and could well require the services of a professional content writer in order to get it right. It is important to make sure that the description matches the content of the site, providing an honest portrayal of what visitors will find, in order to avoid disappointment and frustration. Keywords should be woven into the text and they should be chosen to allow for all visitors, who may have a wide range of reasons for investigating the site, rather than just focusing on sales.

Once the perfect meta description has been devised it can result in much more traffic for a website, especially if the writer has created something that seizes attention as well as informing the reader.

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