
World leaders keen to use Twitter while teens look to other sites

World leaders keen to use Twitter while teens look to other sites

According to data released by DigitalDaya, 75 per cent of world leaders surveyed have accounts on Twitter, the social media site. The data indicates that during December 2012 164 world leaders were surveyed and 123 of those had a Twitter account. However, there is also evidence to indicate a lack of interest from teenagers who are not as keen on using the micro blogging site as they were previously.

The world leaders that do have an account on Twitter will either use an official government office to set up an account, or may even use their own name. The report conducted in August 2011 showed that only 69 world leaders out of 164 countries had a presence on Twitter. According to DigitalDaya, some see the increased use of social media by world leaders as a threat to the governments around the world. However, Twitter helps leaders who want to interact with their constituents, proving that there are benefits to using Twitter. The rate of engagement for the leaders of democratic countries has increased to 87 per cent in some cases. DigitalDaya believes that Twitter will become an essential communication tool for all world leaders.

The use of Twitter plays an integral role in the search engine optimisation of business websites, in addition to other social media sites. The SEO campaign of a company with an online presence will focus on Google and social media sites. The power of the collective is indisputable as proved by Barack Obama with 24.6 million followers.

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