Wikileaks, Afghanistan and Two Lessons for Web Business

Wikileaks, Afghanistan and Two Lessons for Web Business

One of the biggest news stories of the past two weeks has been the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary publications. Whatever the ethical and moral considerations of this event, not the subject of this article, there are important lessons to be learned from a business point of view.

Allegedly, the material (91,000 classified military documents) was leaked by an intelligence analyst working for the U.S. Army to the internet site WikiLeaks. The founder of the site, Julian Assange admitted that he had only read 4,000 of these documents. The data is raw military information and is virtually unintelligible to anyone not familiar with military jargon and codes, for it is mainly in the form of numbers and abbreviations.

There are two important lessons that web businesses can learn from this.

Lesson 1 – avoid trade jargon and abbreviations in your content and article writing

Lesson 2 – do read all your content before publishing so you know what your business is saying

This may seem obvious advice, but it is surprising how often it is ignored with the result that some web pages are boring, unintelligible and not pertinent to the products and services on offer.

This can be avoided by using professional writers, some of whom are freelance copywriters but many work for reputable article writing services. It makes sense to contract UK copywriters and UK agencies if you are a UK business as the grammar and expression will be more natural and appeal to your customers, encouraging them to re-visit your site more often.

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