
Why your website is not an iPhone

It may seem fairly obvious that your website is not an iPhone. The tell-tale clues are there. iPhones are mobile devices used to talk, text and post embarrassing photos of friends while on the go. Your website is a digital entity which serves customers and furthers the goals of your business. However, there are other, more subtle, reasons your site is not, and should not try to be, an iPhone.

Try your SEO plan, for one. Some people seem to treat SEO much like they treat the desire to buy an iPhone. Namely, everyone else is doing it, so I want one exactly the same, even though they’re not sure why. This won’t work for SEO.

Everyone is going crazy over iPhones. Everyone… just about. I have, so far, managed to resist the trend. Why? Because I am not an iPhone kind of person. I’ve been pushed to get one, but on closer investigation I’ve found that the things the devices offer just don’t meet my needs.

Every market needs diversity because one thing is not going to work for everyone, no matter how popular it is. This applies to your site and its search engine optimisation. Some of the popular techniques will work well for your site, but this doesn’t mean you should accept an out-of-the-box SEO plan. It is worthwhile examining the tactics on offer and choosing what’s right for you.

Talk to your search engine optimisation company about tactics that are specific to your site. Don’t fall for SEO sales patter from companies who will treat your site like the latest popular model.

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