For many firms, the concept of video marketing can feel like an obstacle best avoided. Potentially involving unfamiliar techniques and equipment, as well as personal appearances, it can seem like a daunting task. However, producing video content doesn’t need to be frightening. Today, there are far more dynamic ways to infuse your marketing campaigns than simply filming advertorials with talking heads.
The prevalence of streaming platforms has seen audiences discover a new thirst for video content. Technology has made video mobile-friendly, shareable, and easy to digest on then go in bite-size snippets making it increasingly popular. If an image can paint a thousand words, video can take company content to a whole new level of engagement, expanding its following exponentially.
Picture a website or social media channel where all content is static compared to a site or feed which feels alive with moving imagery and sound. Ask yourself, which will capture the attention of consumers more?
For businesses, video content has uncapped potential for marketing strategy. Today, video marketing is exceptionally effective at helping firms generate leads, improve conversion rates, build brand awareness and inform prospective customers about new and existing products and services.
As well as serving as compelling website content, video content is easy to add to your social media accounts. Channels like Tiktok, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram have made releasing video more accessible than ever. Ensuring that your company messaging and brand profile are promoted via the latest and most engaging methods is essential to expanding your customer base.
At Engage Web, we understand that creating video content can be intimidating, but we are here to help. To access our expertise and maximise the use of video in your marketing, get in touch with our team today.
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