
Why paying for cheap links does not work

Why paying for cheap links does not work

With a challenging economy, companies throughout the UK are cost saving at every step. In many ways, this makes sense but, in some areas it is a false economy. No more so is this the case than in online advertising and SEO.

It is nothing new that cheap services often realise cheapened results. However, whilst this is accepted on some levels, paying for cheap online services can actually damage a business. That damage is then incredibly time consuming and yes, expensive, to recover from.

This is most certainly the case with link-building

As Google showed earlier in 2012 with its launch of Penguin, search engines are really ramping up the war against link spam. The first round only saw 3% of sites being affected but, that is just the start.

More plans are in the pipeline to reduce the search results of sites using paid for links, conducting blatant link baiting and gaining links through spurious outreach emails. These are all tactics used by inexperienced and ineffective online marketing companies.

However, this does not belittle the effectiveness of links. Gained in the right way, with strongly appointed and relevant SEO and the construct of strong networks, links are the lifeblood of ranking well.

Anyone offering a cheap link-building service will not be able to deliver these best results. This does not mean affordable solutions cannot be found but, researching what people are saying about them is necessary.

Whatever service is taken up though, it needs to be understood that successful link-building takes time, and needs to be given this time to develop.

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