When it comes to social media, many companies believe that just having active accounts on the various platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, will suffice. However, many are then surprised to find that not only are they not growing their number of followers, sometimes the firms are losing the ones that they have.
While posting quality content to tailored news feeds will help, here are a few reasons why followers may be disengaging with your brand:
Boring content
Many companies might like to use their social media accounts to hammer home the message about their products and services. However, rather than leading to increased business, constantly posting repetitive statuses can lead to people choosing to unfollow you. This is because such posts, especially when they are continually trying to sell to followers, can quickly become dull.
To combat this, mixing up the content of your posts and sticking to the 80-20 principle, where only 20% of your messages are about your firm or its services, can prove beneficial.
Overdoing it
Another social media habit that turns people away from commercial accounts is posting too much. In a recent study by Fractl and BuzzStream, it was found that more than six updates a day swamped followers, leading to them disengaging.
As such, stick to a small number of regular, quality posts to see your numbers grow.
Offensive content
Some firms might like to project an edgy persona, but occasionally they can overstep the mark. This can even happen to a more traditional company, where a social media slipup can lead to something offensive being posted, leading customers to stop interacting with the brand.
Therefore, it is important to keep strict social guidelines in place. However, if something does go wrong, it is best to deal with the criticism professionally, rather than trying to sweep it under the carpet.
- Instagram to expand advertising options - June 8, 2015
- A week of Twitter mishaps - June 5, 2015
- Twitter unleashes new analytics tool - June 4, 2015