2022 Digital Marketing

What to expect from digital marketing in 2022

After our blog last week on how the industry has developed in 2021, we thought we would follow on from this by covering any industry updates expected to be released in 2022.

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

In 2021, Google announced the new Multitask Unified Model (MUM) update, which is an AI-powered algorithm developed to improve search results by helping searchers to get more quality information, and it enables Google to better understand conversational searches. MUM will be a key factor to consider in 2022 as the update should be more persistent in the coming year.

Another trend that is expected to be key for SEO in 2022 is the experience of users on desktop devices, as the page experience update will be rolled out across to desktop computers, having been released on mobile in June. This will mean making sure users enjoy a good experience of your website across desktop and mobile, and that your website meets the Core Web Vitals metrics.

Facebook Ads

Regarding Facebook Ads, the first date for your diary is January 19, when detailed targeting options relating to sensitive topics will no longer be available. These include causes, organisations or public figures relating to race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion and sexual orientation. If that affects the way you’ve been targeting your Facebook Ads, you can read more about this update here.

The iOS14 update released in September 2020 is expected to continue to affect conversion data for Facebook ads, and it is likely that further privacy methods could be released in 2022 that could continue to affect conversion data, as more and more users begin to focus on data privacy and data protection.

Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing

The Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing created by Gartner shows us what trends are predicted for the next decade. This can be useful in understanding what we can expect from the industry in 2022.

Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing

This shows that it is predicted that Customer Journey Analytics and Visual Search for Marketing is more than likely going to be talked about within the next two to five years and we could see an increase in the adoption of this as early as 2022.

Plans of your own for 2022? To find out more about how Engage Web can help your business to grow through an effective digital marketing campaign and increase your sales, leads or enquiries, contact the team today to discuss your requirements.

Jonathon Roberts

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