What to do when ideas dry up

It is difficult to keep on producing goods, marketing ideas and promotions to generate business growth. There are always times when consolidation is a wise move, allowing evaluation, monitoring and feedback to improve services. Creative thinking plays a part here.

Bill Gates, Microsoft’s CEO, used to take a Think Week once a year to think creatively about employees’ suggestions and the way ahead. Employers recognise the value of encouraging creative thinking and dedicating time for it. It allows everyone in a company to look at things in a different way and hopefully come up with better solutions, procedures and products. Ideas dry up and it can be difficult to start so it helps to think laterally. Re-phrasing a question from a difficult ‘how can I do this better?’ to ‘how would a racehorse trainer do this?’ sets the brain going.

Creativity is not just the preserve of artists, musicians or fashion designers. Everyone has creative ability; it’s just a question of finding how to use it. Ideas occur randomly during the day so one technique is to start a file, either on your computer or on paper and jot them down , cut and paste images, clips and so forth. Do not let the file sit there, leaf through it regularly for inspiration.

Some websites are particularly boring with article writing and content that rarely changes. Attracting and retaining customers on the internet depends upon fresh, creative content written by professional writers. Just as creative thinking can improve your business procedures your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) will be improved by professional SEO writers.

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