
Web strategy is as much offline as it is online

Web strategy is as much offline as it is online

We are currently speaking with a client that is looking to use Stuck On to build content for their business area to gain further control in their industry and it will work an absolute treat.

By Stuck On building an independent portal and also working on the client site, writing great, fresh content, the client will be able to increase its control of the industry, helping it to become a major player in the arena that it operates in.

By having not only their own site, but another news-based site built by Stuck On (or, potentially two), they will, after a short time have a great platform to build an even greater strategy from.

And so how does this relate to the title of this article?  Well, easy, this was all discussed away from a computer screen and discussed in a meeting room and with a whiteboard.  Simple you may say, but away from Google results, away from intricacies that can stifle thinking and collaborating time, the strategy was built.

So, before you wish to build a web strategy to defeat all strategies, get out the pens, get out the whiteboards – call Stuck On if you like 🙂 – and get discussing the way to secure your business future online.

Stay away from the screen and Google results before you build – simple, but extremely effective.

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