
Waitrose reports rise of social feeding

Waitrose reports rise of social feeding

Shoppers are being increasingly influenced by the chatter on social media before making their purchases, according to retailer Waitrose.

The John Lewis Partnership owned

high-end grocer has analysed purchase data from millions of transactions in the last 12 months, with social found to be a key influencer. From sharing photos and recipes, the way people are interacting with the food an friends has been analysed in the firm’s Food and Drink Report 2014.

The report said:

“social media has revolutionised the way people talk about food and drink.”

Waitrose in particular has spotted this trend and reported a 50% increase in the number of ‘likes’ it is seeing on its Facebook page. Through 2014, Waitrose has also seen the number of followers in Twitter rise by around 75%.

According to the supermarket chain, the most popularly searched for terms in its own social network sites included “cheese” and “coffee”. A number of food-related hashtags have also come to the fore in recent years, with #foodie and #yummy being particularly popular.

Newsfeeds may be including more feed related terms than ever before because people are becoming savvier about what they eat too. With people learning about ingredients more readily, people are discussing what’s in their food on social too.

It seems there is also a rise in food trends online, with the Commonwealth Games seeing sales of Tunnock’s Tea Cakes rise by 62% after dancing cakes performed at the opening ceremony in Glasgow towards the end of the summer.

We will see how this trend increases across 2015.

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