Video content – can it help?

We have been testing the use of video content recently for one of our clients with some great success.

Firstly, we used it in an industry that is as yet, not video-savvy, so we expected something quite good to happen – and we weren’t let down.

For confidentiality reasons, we cannot disclose the client or their industry (at their request), but enquiry levels (and sales) jumped by 4 TIMES in a SLOW month in an industry thats having a ROUGH time.  Remarkable, don’t you think?

By using a mixture of our videos, sites like gumtree, vimeo and youtube, and unique content along with each video submittal, we effectively cornered the video market for a particular phrase, making a very good platform for work that we have since been doing on other related keywords for the same client.

One thing that I must say about Video SEO – its bloody hard work.  From the idea, the shooting, the re-shooting, the editing, the post-production and then the uploading and creation of the unique content per video per site uploaded to, its a real pain.

But, as with everything else in Googleland, the harder something is to do, the greater the benefits to be had.

So, get making videos and REALLY make your clients stand out amongst the crowd.

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