Not everyone can find the time in their busy working days to write content for their website, even if they realise how important regular content can be from an SEO point of view. Utilising the resources of your staff is one option to providing content for your website, but you need a member of staff who not only enjoys writing content, but is able to do it with originality, flair and a knowledge of keywords and SEO. Staff members like these are hard to come by.
One of the alternatives is to use freelance SEO copywriters for your website’s content. There are many different websites offering the services of freelance SEO copywriters, all happy to pitch for work for the cheapest prices. However, there are a few drawbacks with doing it this way.
Firstly, you need someone to liaise with the people that you have offered writing work to. This involves taking their payment details, issuing them with briefs, chasing them up if they are late supplying the content, editing the content (you need to do this) and then checking that the content isn’t copied. Checking for copied content is essential because some ‘supposed’ freelance SEO copywriters would be more than happy to copy content from another website if they thought they could get away with it. You would be paying them for work they haven’t completed, and by adding the content to your website you would be risking a duplicate content penalty.
All of this is really by the by, as providing the writers with a brief in the first place is difficult enough. Do you know what you want them to write about? Do you know what keywords you want to target? Do you know how to suggest topics or ideas?
In truth, the time it takes to liaise with freelance SEO copywriters isn’t worth it for most businesses, which is why they usually turn to content companies who can offer professional SEO copywriting services.
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