Unsolicited emails offering SEO services

With the Internet being the ultimate marketplace for services, it’s not uncommon to receive unsolicited emails offering you all manner of products, from medicines and adult toys, to marketing and SEO services.

These emails will often promise you discretion, cheap prices and above all, results. Emails offering to SEO your website and guarantee you first page listings on Google are some of the most common emails and are generally sent by people in India and Asia, working for SEO companies based in the USA. These unsolicited emails are often badly written, full of American spellings and are always from non traceable email addresses so that the actual company responsible for sending them wouldn’t be traced until you make contact.

Even we at StuckOn receive these emails sometimes, and here’s one we received just this last week:

On 17 September 2009 at 17:49 Lawrence Baxter wrote:

Increase traffic to your website

We would like to get your website on first page of Google.All of our processes use the most ethical “white hat” Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.

Notice that even though the email was sent to us they still want us to send them our URL, which presumably they would have if they had looked at our website. Not so, because ‘they’ haven’t looked at our website. As mentioned earlier, these emails are sent in bulk by teams in India and Asia.

They claim that their processes are all ethical and white hat, yet the mass spamming of email addresses isn’t particularly ethical under the Can-Spam Act 2003.

The spellings are, as pointed out earlier, American showing that the company behind the email is either US based or hasn’t done its research into what country we’re in. Either way, that’s not good.

If anyone receives emails such as these you’d be advised to hit delete immediately. Do not reply and enquire about their services as you’ll most likely not be best pleased with any possible work performed on your website.

When looking for SEO services, look for a reputable SEO company who genuinely do use ethical SEO methods.

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