UK mobile marketing spend doubled in 2008

UK advertisers spent a total of £28.6 million in advertising for mobile internet in 2008, which was almost double the amount spent in 2007, a rise of 99.2%.

The revelation comes from figures provided by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers. More companies are investing in mobile advertising because of the excellent ROI the platform has seen and the immediacy of returns. Mobile advertising also has an excellent form of targeting, allowing advertisers to reach very specific target audiences.

The largest part of the UK mobile advertising spend last year went on PPC, which accounted for 50.2% of the total spend.

49.8% of the spend went on display advertising, such as banners and graphics.

Guy Phillipson from the IAB stated:

Now is the perfect time for brands to dip their toes in the water, to see for themselves how effective and complementary mobile advertising can be.

People using their mobile phones to access the Internet has increased greatly over the past 12 months, with data from ‘Opera Mini’ showing that it’s browser seen an increase of 157% in March 2009 when compared with March 2008.

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