UK hacker sets up SEO firm

The computer hacker who came within days of being extradited to the US for breaking into Pentagon computers has launched a new career in the world of search engine optimisation (SEO).

Gary McKinnon, who was the subject of a decade-long fight with the US over his search for UFO evidence, has taken his stated 20 years of IT ‘experience’ to offer small businesses help in lifting their page rankings.

Talking about the initiative, McKinnon said:

“My aim is to provide high-quality SEO to small businesses and individuals. All of my clients have so far reached the first page of Google search results for their primary keywords.”

McKinnon had previously hacked into US government computers, with the first request for extradition received in 2002. Arrested then and three years in later in 2005, a further extradition was requested in 2006.

In 2012 however, Asperger’s sufferer McKinnon was allowed to stay in the UK on human rights grounds. A medical report requested by the Home Secretary showed that he was a high suicide risk.

A month later, McKinnon received news that there would be no extradition and no charges would be made in the UK. He was also advised that he could continue to work unrestricted with computers.

The US authorities did not accept the decision, describing McKinnon’s actions as the “biggest military computer hack of all time”.

The American authorities went on to say that his actions were aimed at influencing the US through “intimidation and coercion”, with the extradition order remaining in place, which limits McKinnon from travelling outside of the UK.

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