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Twitter survey reveals possible subscription service features

Twitter mobile

Twitter survey reveals possible subscription service features

In July, Twitter informed its investors that a new subscription service is being considered to generate an additional form of revenue for the platform.

A survey released last week, in which users were asked to evaluate what features were least and most important to them, provides a glimpse into the different options Twitter is considering for a potential subscription service.

Matt Navarra, a social media consultant, tweeted the survey options:

So, what are the possible new features?

1. Undo send: a 30-second window in which a tweet could be recalled before anyone sees it

2. Custom colours: the theme colour and fonts could be changed, on both your phone and computer

3. Video publishing: videos could be published with a higher maximum resolution than currently possible (8192×8192), and their duration could be up to five times longer

4. Social listening: you would be able to view the conversation around your Twitter account, including the total volume, the accounts that talk about you most often and what they say

5. Brand surveys: the ability to conduct surveys about any ads you run in order to understand how memorable the ad was and how likely people are to buy the service or product featured in the ad

6. Badges: you could add badges to your profile that link to any businesses you work for or own. The example given was a journalist featuring badges for all the magazines they work for.

7. Auto responses: you would be able to create a list of responses to automatically reply to tweets

As of yet, there is no indication as to when this potential new service would be rolled out. In its Q2 shareholder letter, Twitter acknowledged its consideration of new revenue opportunities, including a subscription service, and added:

“Our exploration is very early and we do not expect any revenue attributable to these opportunities in 2020, you may see tests or hear us talk more about them as our work progresses.”

So, while none of the features in the survey are confirmed to be a definite part of the subscription service – and the service itself isn’t as yet confirmed – such features could make a massive difference to the social media site, especially for businesses. The option to create auto responses, publish larger videos and the social listening feature could all play a massive role in increasing engagement with customers, developing brand recognition and driving sales.

Here at Engage Web, we specialise in increasing a company’s online engagement, with our expertise in web design, SEO and content creation. Contact our team today to discuss the services we can provide.

Emily Jones

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