Twitter offers help to news feed providers

Twitter offers help to news feed providers

Social networking giant Twitter has issued advice to news content providers using the platform in a bid to improve security and help shore up the quality of stories being released.

There have been many stories in the past of news feeds hosting spurious and unsubstantiated stories, often at the detriment of individuals and organisations. Often written in house, many companies could also risk exposure to spamming and simply bad writing in their feeds.

Such instances of poorly executed work are one reason why many UK firms are now seeking the assurance of professional content providers.

As the advice released by Twitter states, these providers take security of their clients’ news feeds very seriously. Passwords are changed often, for example, and contain a strong mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special symbols.

Also alluding to the advice, professional content providers ensure designated computers are used to manage client accounts. Used almost exclusively as a dumb terminal for posting stories, exposure to online risks are effectively eradicated, whilst internal controls ensure single contact ‘ownability’ of accounts.

The huge benefit for a company to having a Twitter account or an independent news feed, is the ability to respond to breaking news in real time. By building up a follower list of customers and other industry professionals too, it is also a great platform for product and service releases.

However, not ensuring complete security can undermine the good work being done.

It is in providing quick and relevant news, in a safe and secure way, that independent providers are helping customers attract followers, increase site visits and boost ROI.

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