
Tweet, Digg and Stumble your posts

Social bookmarking websites such as Digg and StumbleUpon have been around for some years. Over this last year, Twitter has come along and has blown them out of the water with its micro blogging service, and has joined them on the list of social bookmarking websites that webmasters use to plug their own content on their websites. Webmasters and SEO professionals who write and add content to websites for SEO purposes are spending as much time promoting their content on these websites as they are writing it, almost more time – but to what effect?

If you’re just Tweeting every single post on your website, yourself, what do you think that says about your use of Twitter? Do you think it says you have something interesting to say, or do you think it says that you’re abusing social bookmarking websites to promote your own content?

Is every post on your website really worth plugging on Twitter? It’s unlikely, so promoting will simply mark you out as someone to avoid.

Imagine if you read film reviews regularly, and every review from one reviewer or website said that the film in question was the best movie of the year – would you believe them? Would you believe Chris Moyles if every time he played a song, he said it was the best he’d ever heard?

No, of course not. Therefore you should save using social bookmarking websites for when you genuinely have something of note to say, something important. If you plug everything, you’ll be lost in your own posts.

Ideally of course you shouldn’t be promoting your own posts anyway. Let your content speak for itself and the truly great content will find its own way to the masses, assuming your SEO is up to scratch in the first place!

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