
Treat Google with respect

In the world of Internet marketing you need to ensure you keep on Google’s good side, because the majority of your traffic (and by extension your sales and enquiries) will come from Google. If you alienate Google, Google will alienate you. Then your website’s traffic will dry up.

It’s not like you can switch to another traffic supplier, as Yahoo or MSN won’t be able to give you the volumes you’re getting from Google.

Therefore you should play by Google’s rules and make sure that you don’t do anything to break Google’s TOS.

  • Don’t add duplicate content to your website by stealing content from other sites, or by adding the same content to numerous websites
  • Don’t sell links from your website for the purposes of passing PageRank
  • Don’t conceal text on your website to fool Google into thinking your site has more information than it really does

Cheating Google might get you a short term boost in the rankings, but it will also get you a long term penalty once Google finds out what you’ve done… and it will find out.

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