Anyone in doubt over whether the internet is really an essential service must have had their mind made up over the last few weeks. Business have had to adapt to the restrictions quickly, with many now offering online delivery services for the first time.
What’s more, with people confined to their homes, the only realistic way to let people know what your business is doing on the internet, is via the internet itself. Here are three ways to broadcast your new, lockdown-friendly business model.
1. Optimise for Google Maps
People who love the convenience of having food delivered to their door may have noticed that as soon as you open the Google Maps app at the moment, you’re invited to look for ‘Takeaway’ and ‘Delivery’ options in your area. These have edged out the ‘Restaurants’ option, which for obvious reasons is not much use at present.
If you’re a food business that needs to let Google know you’re delivering, then as usual the solution is to make sure your Google My Business listing is up to date. Advice on how to change your ‘service area’, including whether or not you deliver, can be found here.
2. Let other relevant websites know
At the moment, just about everybody is publishing news and information about coronavirus. There’s no escaping it, so why not see what authorities in your sector are talking about and see if you can get involved?
Last week, for example, the Official Charts Company created a map of all UK record stores offering home delivery. This shows that websites are keen to host content that answers the queries people have at this unusual time. See if any overseeing body in your sector is doing something similar, and if so, make sure you’re not being left out.
3. Use your own website
As well as the above two pieces of outreach, don’t neglect your own site. Make sure your homepage promotes your delivery service. Last week, we looked at how wholesaler Bidfood has remodelled its website after introducing a home delivery service.
For more ideas on how to make the most of your business online in these challenging times, speak to Engage Web.
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