Three steps you can take to overcome writer’s block - Background
Three steps you can take to overcome writer’s block

Three steps you can take to overcome writer’s block

Three steps you can take to overcome writer’s block

Three steps you can take to overcome writer’s block

Whether you’re a full-time blogger, crafting content for social media or just someone who enjoys putting pen to paper, writer’s block is a challenge faced by everyone from time to time.

We all know the importance of content, especially when it comes to marketing. So, to give you a helping hand the next time the dreaded brain fog strikes, we’ve compiled a list of handy tips to help keep ideas fresh and flowing.

Don’t aim for perfection

Often, writer’s block can be caused by the anxiety of trying to get things spot on, every time.
If you’re a perfectionist at heart, this can sometimes stop you from writing altogether, because you’re worried that whatever you’re writing isn’t quite good enough, or won’t get enough attention online.

Trying to write a perfect first, or even second draft can be paralyzing. So, don’t get too caught up in trying make it flawless – just start writing. Fine-tuning can always come later, and it’s always better to start something, no matter how full of mistakes it may be, than not starting anything at all.

Make it a habit

If you’re required to write regularly, it can be helpful to set aside a specific block of time each day, or every few days, in which to concentrate solely on writing.

Choose a space that is quiet, tidy and free from any distractions. You could even play a little music – whatever it is that helps your creativity flow.

By building a regular routine each week, you’ll give yourself space to be creative – or even just time to write a load of rubbish, that can later be honed into something neater!

Set smaller goals

If you’ve got an enormous project coming up, your writer’s block may simply be caused by overwhelm.

To combat this, don’t look at your workload as a mountain. Instead, plan to tackle it in small, manageable steps, giving yourself plenty of breaks in between. This may help to shift some of the burden, and can help decrease the stress you’ve inadvertently assigned to the task.

At Engage Web, we offer provide regular quality blogs for our SEO clients. If you’d like to find out more about our digital marketing services, reach out to the team today.

Lia Bartley

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